Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year News

So finally it's a new year, and now I'm officially 19!! I'm getting older.. urgh.. 
I was pretty happy because I get to spend my new year with my friends, I got 2 cakes, never happen before and a birthday is a great day, you know. At first I was not satisfied and worried people don't wish me enough but then more and more people give me wishes, I got present from my sister plus my fam's voice notes wishing happy birthday and I just thought, I need to thank whatever I received right now plus be happy in this special day. 

End with the birthday talk. In this beginning of the year there are already 2 big news. FIRST, YOONA and LEE SEUNGGI is DATING and I'm FREAKIN happy! they're so cute together and now I'm rewatching whatever youtube have related to their interaction! I hope they'll last forever and make babies lol

SECOND, OSHIMA YUUKO of AKB48 are freakin GRADUATING. I was like... WTF?? Now I guess this year Mayuyu will finally be No.1, I have really big feeling that'll finally happen. Even though Sasshi is No.1 this year, I feel like Mayuyu always be the center in many performances. But KFC is a big thing this year, I think I already remember all the dance moves. I just hope my Yukirin will be 2nd this year.. 

Oh oh! and this year Kouhaku, Shirogumi won!!! Arashi won!!! They've been hosting for 4 years straight, and the only time they loose was when Mao-chan co-hosting! maotsujun 

That's all for my 1st blog entry this year. I'm happy for everything happened in 2013, it was all meant to be and I don't want to regret anything. I hope 2014 I will crack from my shell and just be more.. talkative and active. That 2 things are so hard to do, as I'm not confident enough as a person. Thankyou God for everything :)


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