Thursday, February 13, 2014


Sorry for my lack of post this few weeks, and laziness took me away from this blog. It turns out that this blog is becoming more of a weekly journal diary because most of the posts were my personal feelings LOL I wanted to share other things too though! 

My holiday is almost over, tomorrow I'll leave for Taiwan and next monday I'll start the new semester /cringe. I'm not really satisfied with this holiday to be honest, because most of my friends here in Jakarta were busy with their college (Indonesia & Taiwan holidays are different). I spent my time mostly at home, helping my mom cook and washed dishes (everyday because we don't have housemaid anymore). I'll seriously miss my home, my bed, my tv, my kitchen, and mostly my MOM. Because life in Taiwan won't be sweet like home. Time to face reality that is college, I hope everything will be alright this semester. Leaving home will be sadder than the first time I left because now I know what will I miss, what will I face back to Taiwan, etc. 

BY THE WAY, this post's title is named under Arashi's new single 'Bittersweet', the soundtrack for Jun's new drama 'Shitsuren Chocolatier'. I watched 3 (or 4?) episodes already and I don't complain. I still have Miura Haruma's 'Boku no Ita Jikan' waiting to be watch, but.. I'm so lazy to start watching. 

That's all for update in life, I'm so sad holiday is over. On the bright side, next month 20th March my family will visit Taiwan! I don't know I should be happy or sad (because that means my chinese will be really tested when I help them around), but I SHOULD be happy. Right? Ciao 


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